Transforming Healthcare Together.

|bUilding an Army Against Illness and disease that’s Stronger than ever

The Privilege of Caring

“Care enough to be curious. Be curious enough to show you care.”

Dr. Fethke challenges us to change a broken system so that others without care may finally receive that which they so desperately need. Read more…

"Healthcare reform requires patients and doctors to stand together in a united front around a simple theme: Healthcare is central to the prosperity of our nation. This core idea, which once linked American values to American health, has been fractured. We can work together through a simple process-- Educate, Engage, Evolve-- to find common bonds that will help us all regain control of our health. Let’s be curious. Let’s discover. Let’s care. Let’s reform, together."

Healthcare Belongs to everyone

The Pursuit of Health Podcast

Where we believe that Healthcare Belongs to everyone

The Pursuit of Health is a weekly podcast dedicated to a thorough exploration of the American Healthcare System at a critical time in our nation’s history. The podcast’s creator and host, Dr. Eric Fethke, is a pediatric cardiologist and educator trained at Columbia University, with over 25 years of experience practicing medicine. Students, professionals, and everyday people alike are invited to learn from guest experts who are pursuing groundbreaking work to improve America's health. Join us on our journey towards a better healthcare!